Never Trust an Atom (Extended Joke)

Never trust an atom; they make up everything. I met an atom once. It offered me tuna, and then when I refused, it had the audacity to claim it was trying to give me sodium!

Then an idea occurred to me…I honestly wouldn’t put it past that jerk to have attempted to get me to eat 2Na. That would’ve been explosive.

I, of course, threatened to sue this atom. It stated that I would lose, because it was rich from investing in hydrogen bonds. What the heck?

And apparently, this atom was hardly the worst of them! At least it didn’t try to give me guacamole. My friend had a bad meet-up with a carbon atom; that’s what you get when you use dating apps. She accepted its offer of guacamole and suddenly there were 6.022*10^23 carbon-12 atoms, right there. There was a huge graphite and everything.

Anyway, I turned to the evil atom and left, quarking a smile. I’d counter its bad jokes with a bad joke of my own. That atom wanted to be a fraudulent liar? Well, I told it, “I’ll be keeping an ion you!”

Evl avbczq koykiycg fbiqmbga ggim neol nfbu oykcuwz? Vb’g vzfradbvgvjzr bc qzwas oal rrzwim. Use image for key.

Tough audience, huh? I can’t seem to get a reaction!

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